Thursday, December 31, 2009
Real Pink Barbie Mystery
We have solved the "real pink Barbie" mystery! For some unknown reason, Quinten calls his kitchen a "real pink Barbie". Last night he asked why Santa did not make it pink like he had asked. Quinten has been calling himself one of Santa's elves so Mark asked why the elves did not paint it pink. I am so grateful that I wanted Santa to bring a kitchen. Imagine if he had not gotten the kitchen and kept asking for the pink Barbie. Everyone would have been frustrated since we thought the Barbie was the Barbie!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas Pictures
Everyone ended up at my parents house which made my parents quite happy! Quinten was quite spent and refused to get in the picture. What are you going to do?
Quinten received a ski vest and goggles. He begins formal swim lessons after the New Year. He has gone to sleep wearing his vest he loves it so much!
Aunt Patti and Quinten share a moment.
Quinten loves playing in his new kitchen. After working with daddy fixing things around the house, he used his new tools to fix his own kitchen! I love the fact he tried to get daddy to use his wrench to fix the toilet earlier in the day!
Lauren asked Quinten to sit in her lap while we were at my parents. What a sweet moment! If you get them off the phone, look at what can happen. Of course other things can happen but this is the absolute best!
I was so excited for this Christmas day. Quinten had the perfect blend of being excited for Baby Jesus and knowing that Santa was coming. We did a more minimal holiday where Santa only brought three items and mommy and daddy brought about three. It was hard but worth it trying to remember the real reason for the season. I awoke before 6 but no one else came alive until nearly 8!!! I asked Quinten if he wanted to sing Happy Birthday baby Jesus before we went downstairs and he said yes. He proceeded to get him out of the manager so he could really hear us sing. This brought tears to my eyes and I wish I could have filmed it. He goes up to the "air up" nativity scene at work. He talks so gently and sweetly it makes my heart melt.
We took turns opening gifts so we could see what was given. While hard at times for Quinten, I did not want to miss a single moment. His most requested gift was a real pink Barbie. When he opened it out of his stocking, he said "what is this?". We have yet to figure out what he meant as he keeps talking about pink Barbie. He has yet to play with her but it is the 1st gift he mentions when anyone asks him what he received. A new kitchen awaited him and he has played in it non-stop since yesterday morning. he has made everything from pasta to cereal to pizza. I asked him if he had Bourbon and he informed me I do not like Bourbon! This is a true statement and I am not even sure why I asked him for it!!
Lauren received many gifts from her mother. She continues to mature in a beautiful manner. She understood what we were doing something different with giving a smaller volume. Her favorite gift came from my sister Mary. It is a peace pendant that fell off into the sink! Her dad and brother successfully retrieved it! This year we were fortunate to have her on Christmas Day. The next day she went with her mother to see her grandmother. While we would prefer having her with us, this was her grandmother's first Christmas without her husband. She belongs with her mom and that family.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Getting Excited for Christmas!
I want to develop some memories and traditions both kids will take with them into adulthood. Each year the kids receive an ornament that they will take with them once they leave our home. Santa's gifts will be wrapped in Santa paper. We have a wonderful dinner Christmas Eve dinner and my parents have been able to join us the last several years. We have attended services at Janet's church so we can receive communion. Jim Zappe has come over Christmas morning to share in the celebration. We hope he and Cheryl can both come this year and possibly spend Christmas Eve night with us.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sprained Ankle
Last night I sprained my ankle just as I was starting my two mile run. I had gone around the corner and thought I should run on the sidewalk so I would not get hit by a car. Usually, i run at the YMCA (this makes it sound like I run often-I do not!). At the 1st driveway, I went up and rolled my ankle. Wow-the instant pain. Mark had planned on taking Quinten out for a quick errand. In getting up I realized I could not bear any weight. I started yelling for Mark and saw the car going very slowly right by me!!! My screams were heard by the neighbors inside their house ahead of Mark but not Mark!! They came across the field to help me when a stranger stopped his car and offered assistance. The stranger and his wife drove me back around the corner back to the house. What a blessing form complete strangers.
Poor Mark! he felt terrible that he drove without hearing me. Who looks for a wife lying on the ground? He was wonderful when they got home. Quinten was also so sweet wanting to comfort me. Today the ankle is swollen and tender but I can bear weight. It needs to be kept elevated, medicated and iced bu I can walk! The YMCA triathlon is about 2 months away so I need it to heal quickly. Lauren teased me that I should not be competitive and be training because it caused this accident!
Poor Mark! he felt terrible that he drove without hearing me. Who looks for a wife lying on the ground? He was wonderful when they got home. Quinten was also so sweet wanting to comfort me. Today the ankle is swollen and tender but I can bear weight. It needs to be kept elevated, medicated and iced bu I can walk! The YMCA triathlon is about 2 months away so I need it to heal quickly. Lauren teased me that I should not be competitive and be training because it caused this accident!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Santa Train
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Gorman Thanksgiving
The Gorman's celebrated their turkey day Sunday November 22nd. This happens to be my mom's birthday! Mom decided she wanted to celebrate early which worked great for almost everyone. Alicia had to work and joined us toward the end of dinner. Steve took a picture before dinner and when, and if!, he sends to me I will post the picture. It was truly a lovely dinner and nice to not be stressed about multiple obligations my married siblings have on Thanksgiving Day. Quinten developed an URI (upper respiratory infection) late Friday/early Saturday morning. He was still spiking fevers so Mark and Quinten had to stay home. This was the third Thanksgiving in a row where someone was sick (2 years ago-Mark; last year -me; and Quinten this year). Lets hope for an illness free year next year.
My parents came over on Thanksgiving Day. I made a nontraditional dinner of roast, red potatoes, carrots and cranberry bread. We are hosting Mark's family the Sunday after Thanksgiving and did not really want three turkey dinners in a week. Anytime I can have time with my parents, it is a good day. While Quinten no longer has a fever, he has been on an uproar. The tantrums and control have started and neither Mark not I are equipped to handle it! Quinten actually took a 2+ hour nap in our arms starting at 5pm!!! He has never slept in our arms even as a baby.
My parents came over on Thanksgiving Day. I made a nontraditional dinner of roast, red potatoes, carrots and cranberry bread. We are hosting Mark's family the Sunday after Thanksgiving and did not really want three turkey dinners in a week. Anytime I can have time with my parents, it is a good day. While Quinten no longer has a fever, he has been on an uproar. The tantrums and control have started and neither Mark not I are equipped to handle it! Quinten actually took a 2+ hour nap in our arms starting at 5pm!!! He has never slept in our arms even as a baby.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Bus Ride
Quinten has been asking to ride a "city bus" for months. It had to be a city bus -no other bus would do for him! On a Mommy and Quinten day, I took him on bus route #84 which had been highly recommended from a bus driver. Ironically, this is a route right outside my office building. It goes through part of campus and Upper Arlington/Grandview Heights and took approximately 30 minutes. Quinten was so excited! He sat and watched out the windows. He took my hand in his and was an angel. The bus driver said to me "I really appreciate what you are doing-creating memories for your son". He could not stop talking about it all day. To me, this was a wonderful moment. Creating fun and memories for him makes me see what life is really about. It cost us all of $1.50 but was "priceless" to me.
Grandparent Visit
Mark's mother and her husband came for a quick weekend visit a. When they come to Ohio they must juggle visiting family and friends which is not always easy. We were happy to spend some time with them. On Friday, they watched Quinten's Halloween costume parade. Saturday they spent the afternoon and early evening at Lauren's swim meet in Circleville. This was great for both the grandparents and Lauren. They must have encouraged Lauren as she won a medal! Sunday they took Lauren out for lunch and shopping. It was a combination of Christmas and us buying her jeans. With Lauren's long legs, this is not always an easy task! Mark and I made dinner and we had our inaugural dinner in our newly decorated dining room! As you can see from the picture, Lauren loves teasing Quinten and he does not mind it too much! Anytime with his big sister and grandparents is a good time for him!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My Little Artist
Quinten loves arts and crafts! He loves to paint, color and use play-doh. Since boys are not generally known for their artistic endeavors, I am encouraging this interest. What do we do with all the artwork is another question! If anyone reading this post would like an original, please let me know. Current catalog has a tote for artwork and I am hoping his grandma and pap-pap might buy it for Christmas. Already I have too much artwork! I refuse to be a packrat and some artwork has found it's way to the trash can. School does allow some really creative crafts. He has several hand turkeys (his hand are the feathers) which are really cute.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dining Room
We purchased our 1st furniture as a married couple about 2 months ago! It is a beautiful dining room table, chairs and a buffet. Mark painted a few weeks ago this color which turned out gorgeous if I may say so myself! We have only had one dinner at the table but I am hoping to start having Sunday dinners out there. Funny how color turned the house into more of a home. Mark, who is fearful of any color, now wants to paint the office and mud room with this color! I think it will look beautiful. If only I could get him to repaint the bathroom which did not turn out as well! Yes, I picked the color so the blame falls to me. He has promised to repaint before the end of the year.
All you need is love
Sunday, November 8, 2009
H1N1 immunization
Due to Quinten's asthma, Janet really wanted Quinten immunized against the H1N1 virus. His pediatrician's office is not getting the vaccine which left the mass clinic's as the only option. Saturday a clinic came to the church literally down the street from our home. Given the long lines reported with all previous clinics, Janet opted to get there >2 hours early. She was already number 75 at 6:45! However, I brought my coffee, chair and a book. At the last minute I grabbed Lauren's coat which became critical as we waited outside in low 30 degree's. I assumed they would have allowed us inside-wrong! At 8:30, the line extended farther than you could imagine and there was no place to park. Mark brought Quinten to the church only to be literally harassed and screamed at bu the Gahanna police. The police allowed Mark to drop him off to me.
Quinten has an egg allergy but his allergist thought it was a good idea and wrote directions on splitting the dose to limit reaction. It took a few calls to his office and Mark driving over there to get signed orders. Janet then spent time on the phone confirming Quinten would be given the immunization as directed. That morning she saw a nurse in the restroom who confirmed they would do the split immunization. We get into the large room (after Janet had been waiting for over 2.5 hours) and up to the table only to be told no. I said "I have called and was given the ok". The supervisor relented and said the allergist should come to the clinic.
Quinten told me before we entered the church that he would cry. I told him that was ok and it would hurt but it was keeping him healthy. He was a real trouper until we started toward the immunization table. He became hysterical. The large crowds; the noise; the unknown got to him and he was screaming and trying to run away. It took 4 people to hold him down. I was on the verge of crying and trying to keep it together. I was really wishing Mark had stayed. We waited > 20 minuted as directed and then returned for shot number 2. A complete repeat of the 1st with many people holding him down and Quinten screaming.
When we returned home, Mark asked how it went. Quinten said "fine". Unbelievable! I had been through the ringer and he was fine! Love the toddler perspective!
Quinten has an egg allergy but his allergist thought it was a good idea and wrote directions on splitting the dose to limit reaction. It took a few calls to his office and Mark driving over there to get signed orders. Janet then spent time on the phone confirming Quinten would be given the immunization as directed. That morning she saw a nurse in the restroom who confirmed they would do the split immunization. We get into the large room (after Janet had been waiting for over 2.5 hours) and up to the table only to be told no. I said "I have called and was given the ok". The supervisor relented and said the allergist should come to the clinic.
Quinten told me before we entered the church that he would cry. I told him that was ok and it would hurt but it was keeping him healthy. He was a real trouper until we started toward the immunization table. He became hysterical. The large crowds; the noise; the unknown got to him and he was screaming and trying to run away. It took 4 people to hold him down. I was on the verge of crying and trying to keep it together. I was really wishing Mark had stayed. We waited > 20 minuted as directed and then returned for shot number 2. A complete repeat of the 1st with many people holding him down and Quinten screaming.
When we returned home, Mark asked how it went. Quinten said "fine". Unbelievable! I had been through the ringer and he was fine! Love the toddler perspective!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! Quinten dressed up as a skunk which his grandma made for her 1st grandchild 15 years ago! Quinten was as cute as I remember Cassidy in this costume. I wondered if this might be the last "cutey pie" outfit since Super Hero's are probably not far behind! Quinten was not sure of trick or treat as he wanted to pass out the candy to the neighbors! It did not take long before he realized he would get the candy! Being allergic to peanuts will be a Halloween challenge. However, Quinten understands he cannot eat peanuts so it was not nearly as difficult as I imagined. Upon returning home he asked for a piece of candy. And what did he pull out of the basket-Reese's peanut butter cup! It was the only tears of the night. Lauren choose some type of vampire girl look. While she allowed a picture, she said I could not publish it so I am honoring her wishes. Her friend did a great job with make-up as we did not recognize her. While I personally think 8th grade is too old to go out, she still has a good time. Candy will be in her room-forever! Seriously, she will have candy in her room for months and months.
Quinten gives the sweetest blessings at dinner. In the last month, he has added on things that make him happy. He always starts the dinner blessings with "you say something, you say something, you say something" to each of us. He always says "thank you for the yummy dinner" and lists each thing on his plate. At night, Quinten gives his blessings for things that happen during the day. Last night he wanted to tell me why he had been sad. Earlier in the day his preschool had the traditional holiday costume parade. Mark and his mom arrived earlier than me and went to his classroom. He was convinced I was not coming and put a frown on his face. He would not smile even when he saw me. I was pleased that he wanted God to know about his being sad. Some day I hope he learns to truly turn his sadness to God and let Him take the pain.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Last Eastern Star Meeting
Monday, October 19, 2009
Babysitting weekend!
For the last three days, we hosted the Essig children-Phoebe and Charlie. This was our exchange weekend with their parents! Going from one toddler to three was a stretch but so much fun! Once you got over the extra volume from two additional children, it went pretty well. Quinten offered more challenges than either Phoebe or Charlie. He is not used to sharing at home with his toys or mommy's attention. I felt this was an especially good experience as he needs to learn to share!
We took the kids to a pumpkin patch and hay ride. Lucky for us, Lauren came along! Phoebe loved having a "big sister" and Lauren responded quite well. I am enjoying seeing Lauren's nurturing side come out. The kids looked over all the pumpkins! Quinten thought they were more like soccer balls! Everyone liked being on the large tractor and going through the apple orchard.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
San Francisco
Mark and Janet attended the lavish but elegant San Francisco wedding of his cousin Travis. We took advantage of the gorgeous weather and time together to tandem bike across the Golden Gate Bridge
. It was a new challenge which actually requires communication since the rear rider cannot see what the front driver is navigating. The rear rider has the advantage of the front rider not knowing if she is pedaling! I took video as we crossed the windy bridge as the tandem was quite steady. Most of Mark's family was able to attend and we enjoyed their company at the rehearsal dinner and of course the wedding.
Quinten stayed behind with Janet's friend's the Essig's. In exchange, their kids will be with us next weekend. Going from one toddler to three should give an interesting blog! Quinten did great at Phoebe and Charlie's! He would be so excited to talk with us we could hardly understand what he was saying on the phone. Hopefully we can offer the same excitement to the Essig children!
Quinten stayed behind with Janet's friend's the Essig's. In exchange, their kids will be with us next weekend. Going from one toddler to three should give an interesting blog! Quinten did great at Phoebe and Charlie's! He would be so excited to talk with us we could hardly understand what he was saying on the phone. Hopefully we can offer the same excitement to the Essig children!
Cabbage Patch Jenny
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Illness Already!
3 days into preschool, Quinten picked up a virus. He had a fever, sore throat and no appetite. Mark stay home on Thursday and I took Friday. I told Mark we just had to do our best to keep him comfortable and wait out the virus with rest, Tylenol, etc. I was fairly certain it was just a virus but then thought-what if I miscalculated the illness and it was the swine flu? Mark really wanted me to take him in and thought that I could not live with myself if I held off too late. Quinten did receive a steroid dose since he tends to move viruses to his lungs.
Monday, September 14, 2009
1st day of preschool!
Quinten started preschool today at the Primrose Academy! We were going to wait one more year but due to a variety of circumstances we decided it was time to start. We prepped him about how much fun and exciting school would be for him. He was great; posed for pictures (he often now refuses to pose); had put his backpack together for goodies. Ironically, he has a runny nose which is extremely rare for him. We got to the school and he turned to him and I thought he would cling. But, we went to his room and he headed for the tool bench. He turned from me when I went to give him a kiss (which I knew he was a little sad) but he never cried. I checked again before leaving and he was at the computer with several kids. I forgot his Lactaid milk so had to return home for it. I checked again and he was playing in the kitchen! Originally, I was going to come for him after a half day but I think he will stay all day. The new toys will make him excited and I hope he does not look back!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Labor Day in Ohio
Mark took Quinten camping on Friday and Lauren and her friend, Holly, joined them late Saturday evening. All the kids had great fun in the water and camping out. Quinten has a little crush on Lauren's friend and it is pretty cute. The camping had several tests for Mark. First, the bikes came off the camper while he was driving to Alum Creek. He never heard them fall and there was no commotion so we assume no one was hurt. The heater and lights would not work and the nights went down to the high 50's. Lauren and Holly slept in the tent while Mark and Quinten slept in the camper. Janet joined them after returning home from New Jersey. It rained Sunday night/Monday morning but we stayed dry and managed to pack up before the heavier rain arrived.
Janet has continued her annual Labor Day tradition of traveling to a new state with her sister and 2 friends. For the last several years they have pulled the state out of the hat with New Jersey being the winner for 2009! We are a pretty laid back group so one day was spent literally sitting under an umbrella, reading snoozing and playing in the waves. It was so relaxing and brought tons of memories of past ocean trips. Funny, I could not remember the last time I was on the ocean and yet I have gone many times in years past. The casino's were not too friendly as I lost my planned gambling money before it got late. The tables were quite expensive with only a couple of $10 tables. The $100 tables were not in the high rollers room. We decided to pull next year's state at during the trip and Texas look out!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Car Wash
Last night after dinner, we only had time to do one thing. Quinten talked about playing his new grump game, no comments please!; eating an ice-cream cone; or washing mommy's car. You can clearly see which he wanted to do more! I was so proud and happy that washing my car was his desire. We were finishing up and he said "time for ice cream!". I reminded him that he picked washing the car over eating ice-cream. He said "oh" and went inside. Guess who got ice-cream? Daddy was there when he made his choice and even commented how surprised he was about the car wash. I want the record to show it is not always mommy who lets him get his way! If we are not careful, he is going to play both of us all the time! I never realized I stick out my tongue until Quinten started doing it and Mark told me that I do it all the time!
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Vacuum Man
Yes, it is true-Quinten loves his vacuums! One vacuum, Laughing Larry-a hand vacuum, is missing from the picture. He keeps him in the car so he can clean crumbs from a snack! The newest vacuum came from Grandma Carolyn as a birthday gift. We went shopping and he picked out Dusty. I tried to talk him out of it saying "you already have three" but he was insistent. "But Mom, this one has a hose so I can clean the stairs!" We waited all day until Mark got him and he went running to tell him all about Dusty. I really do not think that I have ever seen Quinten this excited about a single toy. Even tonight Dusty was used to help me clean up a hairball. No, it does not really work but he and Dusty were helping me hose and all!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Cousin Time
Over this past weekend, Mark's brother, Mark and his wife, Sarah and 10 month old son, Ethan came for a visit. Ethan is a wonderful, happy and active baby. It made me a bit wistful for those baby days. However, I am enjoying each day knowing they will all be gone in the blink of an eye. It was fun to watch the cousins play together and interact (as much as they can at this age!). Quinten talks about Baby Ethan all the time and was so excited to have him come over. This morning he was disappointed when he realized Baby Ethan had gone home. I hope he will have many years of fun and memories with his cousin.
3rd Birthday
Quinten turned 3 on Saturday the 15th! It was one of the hottest days yet this year but the deck pool provided relief. We were fortunate to have several Zappe's present for his birthday including Mark's brother Steve and his family from State College, PA. I still cannot believe my little boy is already three years' old. He has been one of the best gifts God has ever given me and I thank God every day for the opportunity to be a wife and mother. Quinten received many nice gifts from family and he seemed appreciative of all of them. The favorite gift was a very loud fire engine complete with lights and sounds. He loved it so much he took it with him to the pediatrician appointment today. Quinten wanted a camper cake which required some creative thinking on mommy's part. Lucky for her, a co-worker has the insights to make the design needed! Lauren helped with the decorating. Yes, the camper is purple but that was Quinten's choice with a little coaching from Uncle Steve!
Monday, August 10, 2009
State Fair
Janet loves the state fair with its crowds, food, rides and people watching. Mark could care less so we have yet to go to the fair together. However, this was Quinten's 2nd Ohio State Fair. I first took him along with cousins Megan and Sarah when he was just under a year. It was blistering hot and the stroller thermometer registered over 100 degrees. I kept putting water on Quinten and kept everyone drinking until we left after a couple of hours and about $100 later! This year, I thought I was so much smarter. Knowing that Quinten would only last so long and not wanting to succumb to anyone else's time lines, we went alone. I packed drinks, snacks and lunch. Put his sunscreen on before we left the house so it would be on the ~30 minutes before sun for maximum protection. It was a great plan until Quinten rubbed some in his eye just as we pulled into the parking lot. He started screaming. He cried for at least 30 minutes and there was no soothing him. I did think at least he is crying as that will wash away the sunscreen. Of course, he kept rubbing his eyes which probably did not make it any better. I was unable to walk far holding a 30# child and pulling the wagon so he had to ride in it most of that time. A nice vendor gave him a balloon which calmed him for about 30 seconds. We made it to the back and Kiddy Land. He said he wanted to ride the merry-go-round so I bought the $20 unlimited ride bracelet. The horses start to ride and he is crying again "Make it stop". All I can think is poor guy and we have been here for less than 30 minutes; he has not stopped crying; and I have already spent $28!. We went into some building where he calmed down. He was wearing his sunglasses but Quinten is sensitive to the light like his mommy. When we came out I saw a boat and suggested that we go on it. I never thought about his size and ride minimums! Luckily, he made them by ~1" and I could go on most of them with him. We buckle into the boat anticipating a nice rocking ride. After 2 sways, the boat goes higher and higher and starts twisting and turning. Quinten starts screaming at the top of his lungs "Make it stop". I was not feeling like the world's best mommy and all I wanted was a great Quinten and mommy day. He did settle, rode a ton of rides, went to the petting zoo and did not want to leave. As I was pulling him in the wagon, I thought-he is pretty quiet. Sound asleep in the wagon clutching the last of the pizza slice I bought him. After all his trauma, I did not make him eat his healthy lunch packed for the occasion. That night at dinner Quinten went on and on telling his daddy about the fun he had at the fair. The end result is what I wanted though it took some perseverance to get it!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Ice Cream-yum!

Mark and Janet hosted a "small gathering" of 21 people over the weekend. 5 of them were 3 or under! I had not realized the volume that of having that many young children could create. Lauren and her cousin, Matt joined in the festivities and the volume. Pre-child it was not unusual to host that many people but I may have to rethink numbers when we include the children. It was supposed to be a bright sunny day so Mark set up croquet, badminton and the bean bag toss. He strategically put out the lawn chairs and then the rain came! It did not stay too long but the majority of the people stayed inside. Hence the volume! Mark even created a bow and arrow for a six year old which impressed me. Quinten wanted one and gave his dad a tiny stick perfect for his size. We had a sundae bar or a cone option. As you can see from the picture, Quinten went for the cone! He really was not sure what to do and definitely did not like it dripping on his hand. We still have ice cream cones and he asked for one last night.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The family headed north 450 miles the day after Grandma's funeral. I was still emotionally quite drained and appreciated all of Mark's work to get us ready for the trip. Lauren and Quinten were also helpful and very good traveler's. We had one "emergency" when we could not find an open restroom late at night. Quinten discovered a male advantage need I say more? The biggest problem was he had an "emergency" the next day right outside of Carl and Linda's house so we needed to explain what constituted a real emergency. We did have a jet ski problem when Janet drove over the rope pulling Mark in an inner tube. Lauren did not realize that being a spotter also meant pulling up a rope. The picture is Mark's 45 minute repair job to save the jet ski. This came after a 30-45 minutes of pushing/pulling/swimming the jet ski back to Carl and Linda's. It was wonderful to be away, relax and have time with family. A huge thank you to Linda and Carl for sharing their summer home with us!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A sweet farewell
We have returned from Grandma's funeral late today. I want to blog more but am quite emotionally drained. The family gathered at the funeral home to say good-bye one last time to Grandma. While the family waited in different seats with my mom in the front row. Mark said to Quinten "You should go say hello to Grandma". Quinten said "ok" and got up from his seat. As quick as you could imagine, Quinten went up to the casket, stood on the kneeling rail and looked into the casket and said "Hi". He came back to us and said "I said hi". Really sweet.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Mark and I went to the Home Owner Association meeting tonight leaving Lauren to put Quinten to bed for the 1st time. It was only the 2nd time she has ever even watched him so I was a little nervous. Yet, Quinten adores his sister and kept telling me to go! He said he wanted to stay home with Lauren. We took these pictures in jest before dinner. What I noticed was that Quinten would do anything Lauren would ask. I have told her that she should consider it an honor that he adores her. I do worry that she will take advantage of it and then again-what older sibling does do exactly the same thing? Her job is to gather the trash and she talked him into helping which he was more than glad to do. Quinten is the cleaning man!
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July!
Growing up, Janet's family always went to Fairmont, West Virginia and sang Take Me Home Country Roads crossing over to W.Va. Mark, Janet and Quinten went this year but it was so different. Grandma's annual picnic was cancelled since she is in the hospital. She looked very good for 94 years but time is taking it's toll. It meant a great deal to go and visit with her even for a short period. Not many people over 40 can say they still have a living grandparent. All you can see is the top of Quinten's head. He was not thrilled to get a picture.
This was the 1st time Quinten was not a great traveler. As he approaches 3, I think I see testing three's looming! He has been so easy, fun, silly that the testing phase has thrown us for a loop especially Mark! Combined with a 13 year old at home, who is also usually great but learning to test her own waters, is challenging. Mark let Quinten watch Curious George DVD. Quinten usually has a 10 minute video span to which I am personally glad! He watched him most of the trip; incidentally, he acted up when we were not in the car. Coincidence? He was not allowed to watch videos on the way home after he hit me and dropped my camera. He was he usual self on the way home so I say no more car videos!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Bedtime for Quinten
Quinten asked to sleep in his big boy bed Saturday night. While I was not really prepared mentally, I said ok. Without an exact routine, it did not go well. He screamed and cried intensely when I left the room. I did the Super Nanny thing and inched my way out but each time I was near the door, he started again. Mark talked me into taking him downstairs to see if he would fall asleep. While he was quiet, sleep never entered his mind! I took him back up, sang to him and laid him down. This time he whimpered but he quickly fell asleep. Tonight we read our books; rocked in the chair; said our prayers and then it was time for bed. Mark put him down and that was that! Quinten has transitioned easily in all his growth and development phases-nursing to a bottle; cereal to food; walking without ever falling really; diapers to underwear. When he is ready for the next stage, he just does it. This transition made me sad as it emphasized to me that he is growing and does not need me all the time. That unconditional love, while still there, is demonstrated when he wants to show it.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day Weekend
We celebrated Father's Day by camping at Alum Creek State Park with our new pop-up camper. Mark, Janet and Quinten went up Friday night after work. Mark, as usual, organized almost everything! We ate dinner on the way and had set up camp by 7. Quinten was far too excited to sleep until it got dark. Unfortunately, he was then very tired and screamed about sleeping in his own bed. I rocked him and sang to him which calmed him but I had to lay down next to him. He would not fall asleep so I did what I swore I would never do-let him in our bed. Needless to say, neither Mark nor Janet got much sleep with him flopping all over the place. Plus, a major thunderstorm occurred over the night. I was quite happy to not be in the tent!
The next day started at 6:30am! Ugh!!! But, the sun was bright and beautiful. We enjoyed an early morning bike ride and played at the beach. Quinten was sooooooooo excited about the sand and water! Mark's dad arrived before 10 to spend the day and night with us. Hard as I tried to remember, I did not get a picture of Jim and the grandkids. Quinten did nap in his bed and so Janet took one as well! Mark and Jim picked up Lauren who joined us for the remaining afternoon and evening. She opted to sleep all alone in her tent Saturday night. We ended the night by grilling marshmallows (Lauren is an absolute expert in this area!). We are fairly certain that raccoons visited us during the night as the graham crackers and chocolate that were left out were eaten! Quinten did sleep in his bed without problems-yeah!!
After a Bob Evans breakfast, we packed up and headed home. With everyone helping out, we were unable to unpack quite quickly. Mark relaxed and watched a favorite sport-Indy car racing. Janet and Lauren made dinner and Mark opened gifts. A trip to Las Vegas and a book on Ohio State Parks for more camping adventures!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Zoo Days!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Back Home!
I am back home after being at a conference for 4 days. Working outside of the house is a delicate balance and one that it is not easy for me. The conference was stimulating and having evening social enjoyments for a few nights was nice. So, am I a bad wife and mother for enjoying being out of the house? Am I a bad person for just wanting to veg around the house after a very late return and spending ten hour days at the conference (and then going out in the evening)? Mark and Quinten had a great time and a few things changed around the house. Can you imagine? But, the house remains intact, and Quinten is still in underwear. Mark put him in diapers one time after an unfortunate GI incident! The best news is that I want to be home and I want to be a good wife and mother. Quinten said he was not tired but I was so he had to have "quiet time" in the crib. Alas, he has been up there over 2 hours asleep!!! An addendum-Quinten was calling as I was finishing up this blog. I went up to find quite a bit of poop which require a bath. I am rethinking I should go back to work!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Potty Training Going Well!
Though we have tried a couple other times (the last in mid-April), Quinten is doing extremely well with potty training! He has not had a poopy diaper in ~1 week and has been without a urine accident for three days!!! Today he is in his Thomas underwear with vinyl pants. I decided against pull ups and am going for the big boy pants! He even stayed dry during camping. He usually goes potty about 30 minutes after going to bed but he asks to get up, takes care of business and goes back to bed. We have not given him treats or gifts for going in the potty; a few months ago he could blow bubbles after potty but this time he does not need/ask for anything.
The Zappe's did go camping at Alum Creek State Park for one night this weekend. Everyone had a great time. Quinten was so excited to sleep in the tent though mommy got bumped more than once with an elbow! He did stay up later than usual but was not cranky. Mark did an awesome job packing and preparing for the experience. I am really grateful that he can pull this together smoothly which allows a wonderful experience.
The Zappe's did go camping at Alum Creek State Park for one night this weekend. Everyone had a great time. Quinten was so excited to sleep in the tent though mommy got bumped more than once with an elbow! He did stay up later than usual but was not cranky. Mark did an awesome job packing and preparing for the experience. I am really grateful that he can pull this together smoothly which allows a wonderful experience.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Family Time over Memorial Day
We were happy to host Mark's brother Chris along with his family-Jeannie, Matt and Jack for a few days. Matt and Lauren are such great friends and time together solidifies that relationship. Jack and Quinten are beginning that same journey which makes me quite happy. Mark's father, his step mother and her mother also came for the day. The Zappe's have 6 birthdays this month so it was a huge celebration. Special congratulations to Thelma Holland, Mark's step mother's mother turned 90! I hope that my mind and body is as active as hers at that age!
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