Our pool side room! We were on the 2nd floor with a hammock providing wonderful rest.
Open water dive #1 completed! The salt water was murder on my manicure/pedicure!
Iguana visitors did not thrill me. I left them alone, they left me alone!
Our first day just chilling out.
A great day in Cozumel.
Mark and I were blessed to take an anniversary trip to Cozumel Mexico this past April. After 5 years, we wanted to go someplace to celebrate our commitment to each other. Mark's mom and stepfather drove up from North Carolina to stay with the children. This was a win-win situation as each of us basked in the time with our loved ones! Carolyn and Denny were fairly tired when we returned but pleased to have come to Ohio.
Janet finished her open water dives to gain her Scuba certification. It was magnificent under the water with brillant fish, turtles, lobsters and a squid Mark said the first dive was his best dive "ever" and he has been diving for nearly 30 years.
The resort was nice though not busy. The food was "ok" but not great. Full sun and heat made
everything perfect! Sunshine certainly soothes the soul for me.