Our family before Easter dinner.
Outside our house after finding Quinten's basket.
Part of the Easter Egg hunt group!
We did not plan the color scheme but isn't nice they match?!
My dad with some of his grandchildren.
Easter was very bittersweet this year for me. In my heart I know that my mom is with God and loving her new life. My grief continues deep for the earthly loss of my mother. Easter is about our Lord's Resurrection and His gift to us who believe. Quinten continues to pray for his grandma in heaven and asks God to keep her alive in his heart.
In a much lighter note, we hosted an egg hunt at our house for 14 children! I had not planned for that many children but everyone accepted my invitation. Given Quinten's peanut and tree allergies we decided to have a hunt where we knew the treats were all safe for him. The rain made us change plans and the kids hunted early for the eggs. They played inside and put together a few craft activities. In addition to 14 children, we had 14 adults so the noise level and activity level was high! Mark says we are holding this at a park next year!