Carolyn's delicious birthday cake!
Jack trying to catch a ball while jumping off the board! Jack is two years older than Quinten and what he can do blows me away!
Quinten's first jump off a diving board!
For some reason, I love this picture!
Lauren and Quinten beat their cousins Matt and Jack in the chicken fight!
This past Labor Day Carolyn (Mark's mother) turned 70. To celebrate she wanted her family together for the long weekend. Janet changed her 15 year annual girls Labor Day trip so that she could join the Maloy's and Zappe brother's for the celebration. Carolyn choose a wonderful home outside of Charlottesville, Virginia to rent for the entire family. This beautiful farm house was very large and had cattle, goats and chickens on the grounds. The pool provided much of the day time activities for the family. The last night Mark wrote a short play and the grand children were the actors. I will try and upload it for your viewing pleasure! Traveling over eight hours is not easy but once again the kids proved to be adept travelers! Returning home the rain was consistent and Mark did all the driving!