Saturday, May 23, 2009

Family Time over Memorial Day

We were happy to host Mark's brother Chris along with his family-Jeannie, Matt and Jack for a few days. Matt and Lauren are such great friends and time together solidifies that relationship. Jack and Quinten are beginning that same journey which makes me quite happy. Mark's father, his step mother and her mother also came for the day. The Zappe's have 6 birthdays this month so it was a huge celebration. Special congratulations to Thelma Holland, Mark's step mother's mother turned 90! I hope that my mind and body is as active as hers at that age!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Zip Line

Sunday the Zappe's went to Lancaster, Ohio for a zip line course. This was Lauren's 13th birthday gift from her dad and me. We wanted to give her a memory gift beyond the tangibles this world seems so intent on giving. Canopy Tours was designed from an Alaska builder. We went on 10 zip lines and crossed 5 bridges with a maximum height of 95 feet. Mark really wanted to take Lauren but his fear of falling prevented him from going. Alas, I went and had a fantastic time with Lauren. She had absolutely no fear and seemed completely at ease gliding through the air. Quinten was disappointed not to go but he and Daddy played lots of corn hole while we were gone over 2 hours. I wish I could post the pictures but when I click on the icon, it is not letting me. I am so tech savvy!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I had a special day starting with homemade waffles in bed! Quinten even helped his daddy make coffee; Quinten literally showed Mark where to put the water in the coffee pot! He had a home made card complete with his fingerprints. Mark, Janet and Quinten went to church where Janet's parents and sister, Patti, joined us for the 11am service. Quinten was presented with a Young Learner's Bible and he started reading it in the car. Janet went with Patti to take her mom out to dinner. The Gorman's being the Gorman's, did not have reservations at a restaurant. We did find lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise which was actually pretty decent!

We also were able to celebrate Lauren's 13th birthday that evening. She choose Lone Star as her restaurant of choice. When the servers came out clapping and singing she went red! Next week she will really celebrate her major gift from us which was a Zip Line trip through the Hocking Hills. Mark, who is very afraid of falling, wants to be the one to take her. Lauren and I believe that I will be the person going with her over the hills!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Quite the talker!

Quinten's vocabulary has really taken off! He tells me that he loves me all the time (talk about making your heart melt!); says "Mommy you're driving me crazy!" which I think comes from "Quinten, you're driving me crazy"; and sings and sings. He has started making up his own words to songs and I do recognize the tunes. We are hoping to start a new music class offered at the church on Saturday mornings. I love hearing him sing "Jesus loves me". He remains quite the helper and you can see he has quite the tool set! Over the weekend, he stayed with me as I mowed the lawn using his bubble blower lawn mower. He took a long extension cord with him so his mower could stay "charged up!" We are getting ready for the Gorman and Zappe Birthday extravaganza this month. Between Mark and Janet's immediate families, we will celebrate the birthdays of 2 fathers, 1 step mother, 1 brother, 1 sister, 2 nieces, 1 nephew and most exciting a daughter's entry into teenhood!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The 1st Blog

Hello family and friends! I have decided that in all of my spare time to create our family's blog. I do enjoy reading and looking at my family and friends sites so much that I am creating one for us. Hopefully, you will enjoy our pictures and check in with us from time to time. This is from our Arizona anniversary trip just a few weeks ago. We went white water rafting, saw the Chiluly exhibit, hiked in Sedona and had one day of rest! You have to love an area where the sun always shines though 95 degrees is hot whether it is a dry heat or not! Stay tuned and if I have done this correctly, you will see more posts!